Sauteed Leafy Greens

9:30 PM

I'm a mum on a mission at the moment.  I'm trying my hardest to incorporate more greens into my family's diet.  We've all heard how good leafy greens are for us but in my experience it's almost impossible to get children excited about this.  "It's good for you!" just doesn't cut it.  Now I have teenage daughters I try a different tact,  "It's really great for your skin!" "It will make your hair shine!" But no, it makes no difference, they just aren't into greens.

I went to the farmer's market yesterday and bought some delicious looking kale and leeks.  They were simply lovely, the kale was delicate, not like the large, cardboard type leaves you find in the supermarket and the leeks were positively fragrant.  This will hook them I thought!

1 bunch of kale, washed and chopped
2 - 3 leeks, washed and chopped
1 onion, minced
2 cloves of garlic, minced
Olive oil
1 small knob of unsalted butter
salt and pepper
a splash of white wine or Mirin

In a large saute pan heat the olive oil and the butter until foaming.

Add the onion, sprinkle with salt to stop them burning and saute on a low heat until really soft, then add the garlic.

Add the leeks and continue cooking until they are soft.

Add the kale, a splash of wine and cook, turning with tongs so that it cooks evenly.

After a few minutes when cooked through and the alcohol has cooked off, lift from the pan with a slotted spoon to a serving dish.

I like using Mirin as it gives the dish a slightly sweet taste along with the leeks.  The girls did try this and the older ones admitted that it wasn't bad (that means fantastic!)  I loved it and plan to put the leftovers into a frittata later today. Hope this works for you!

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