A Glorious Week in England a Royal Baby and Chocolate Chip Cookies!

8:35 AM

My youngest daughter and I have just returned from the most glorious visit to England. It's always wonderful to visit my homeland or "the old country" as my lovely father-in-law used to refer to it but last week was indeed a very special week for England.  Being a royalist the birth of Prince George of Cambridge was a wonderful highlight.  I'm usually three thousand miles away in New York for most royal celebrations so I was beyond delighted to be there for this one.

We were also there for the the hottest day on record since 19----something or other and we spent the day lounging in the garden. The hottest day in England was of course a very comfortable respite from the ghastly high temps we've been enduring in New York. Most of the time we were in the country in West Sussex where I grew up and it was as enchanting as ever. We strolled in the countryside...

and enjoyed the wildflowers...

It was glorious...

When I arrived home to my kitchen in the States I whipped up a batch of chocolate chip cookies. After all what's more American than chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk - I thought it might get us into the swing of things! These cookies have a slightly different and I think superior taste, the secret being the use of black strap molasses mixed with the sugar. 

Absolutely yummy.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

6 oz unsalted butter
1 large egg
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cups white sugar
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
2 teaspoons unsulfured blackstrap molasses
1 cup chocolate chips

Heat the oven to 350 F

Mix the white and brown sugars together, add the molasses and mix thoroughly.

Beat the butter really well until light and creamy.  Add the sugar mixture and beat for 
another 3-4 minutes until very light and fluffy.  

Add the egg, mix well.   Add the flour, baking soda and salt. Mix well.

Add the chocolate chips and pulse a couple of times until combined.

Line a couple of cookie trays with parchment paper.  Scoop the batter
into 12 equal balls and place 6 on each trays.  Bake for 14-16 minutes.
Remove from the oven, allow to cool for a few minutes, then remove 
to a baking rack to thoroughly cool.

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