Greek Salad Flatbreads

8:35 AM

Greek salad is infused with the taste of summer and sunshine.  Zesty, zingy and full of fresh oregano this is fast becoming a staple for lunch.  It also takes about 2 minutes to make and is really good for you.  We're lucky enough to have bushels of oregano growing in the garden and before long the tomatoes will be ready to add to the homegrown deliciousness.  Use whatever type of flatbread you love, if you're not carbohydrate conscious the thick doughy ones are a treat, if you're watching your calories a thin multigrain cracker will keep you trim and fill you up!

Greek Salad Flatbread.

1head of romaine lettuce,
4tomatoes diced
4-6 black olives, pitted and chopped
¼red onion, finely chopped
6oz feta cheese, diced
1cucumber, seeded and diced

Forthe dressing;

1tablespoon Dijon mustard
Seasalt and freshly ground black pepper
3tablespoons of red wine vinegar
6tablespoons of olive oil

Flatbreadsof your choice

Mixall the salad ingredients together.  Tomake the dressing place the mustard, red wine vinegar, salt and pepper togetherin a bowl and mix.  Whisk in the oliveoil, one tablespoon at a time until the dressing is emulsified. 

Pourthe dressing over the salad and toss. Pile the salad onto of the flatbreads and enjoy.

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