Grilled Corn Salad

11:39 PM

I wanted to post this recipe early in the week, so those of you whose holiday menus are not not yet set in stone could have some time to look it over. This is a very simple salad that mixes grilled corn with spinach and tomatoes. The recipe was developed for Diabetic Living Magazine and it is really easy to prepare. I made only one change to their recipe, and that was necessitated by my loathing of low-calorie salad dressings. While I substituted  a  commercial Caesar salad dressing to season the corn and dress the salad, any oil and vinegar dressing could be used.  I don't like to make this salad too much in advance of serving. While a long wait will not affect its flavor,  the spinach loses it bright green color and its texture will suffer if it is allowed to sit too long.  This is a side dish with great eye appeal and its vibrant colors really whet the appetite. If you have a taste for corn salad, I hope you will give this one a try. Here's the recipe.

Grilled Corn Salad


4 fresh ears of corn

1/2 cup bottled clear Italian or Caesar salad dressing 

2 cups shredded fresh spinach

2 cups red and/or yellow cherry tomatoes, halved

2 teaspoons snipped fresh oregano or basil

2 tablespoons finely shredded Parmesan cheese

Fresh oregano or basil leaves (optional)


1) Remove husks and silks from corn. Brush with some of the salad dressing. Grill on the rack of an uncovered grill directly over medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes or until tender; turning often. (Or place in a shallow baking pan; bake in a 425 degree F oven for 30 minutes, turning once.) When corn is cool enough to handle, cut kernels from cobs (you should have about 2 cups kernels).

2) In a large bowl, combine corn kernels, spinach, tomatoes, and snipped herb. Add remaining salad dressing; toss gently to coat.

3) To serve, spoon corn mixture into 6 small mugs or bowls. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. If desired, top with oregano leaves. Makes 6 (1-cup) servings.

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Two Years Ago Today: Watermelon, Cucumber and Tomato Salad

Three Years Ago Today: Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream

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