Happy New Year with Pasta and Meatballs!

8:35 AM

They may not be elegant but they certainly make a hearty and delicious New Year's lunch. With freezing temperatures and snow on the ground these bolster you up for whatever is coming your way in 2013!

This is a forgiving dish, make double and freeze a batch, or just leave them in the fridge for a couple of days and live off them, they get better and better. Use the leftovers to make a meatball sub, just fill a bread roll, cover with mozzarella, place in some aluminium foil and pop in the oven to crisp the bread and melt the cheese. Scrumptious.

Pasta and Meatballs.

1 box of your favorite pasta

1 lb of ground beef
1 egg
2 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese
A couple of hearty shakes of Worcestershire sauce
1 piece of sandwich bread with crusts cut off
1 tablespoon of whole milk
1 bunch of finely chopped parsley
salt and freshly ground black pepper
Pinch of nutmeg
Olive oil
2 jars of your favorite pasta sauce (I used Rao' Marinara Sauce)
A dash of heavy cream (optional)

Cut the crusts of the piece of sandwich bread, place on a saucer and pour over a tablespoon of milk. 

In a large bowl add the meat, egg, Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper, Worcestershire sauce, parsley and nutmeg. 

Squeeze the excess milk out of the bread, break it up into small pieces and add to the meat mixture.

With your hands gently combine.  Taking a tablespoon at a time roll into meatballs and place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.  The meatballs can be covered and refrigerated over night at this point.

Heat a large pan with a tablespoon or so of olive oil, add the meatballs and brown. You will have to do this in batches, remove the browned meatballs to a plate and cover with foil to keep warm until all are browned.

When all the meatballs are browned, wipe out any excess fat in the pan.  Place them all back in the pan and add the marinara sauce.  Sprinkle with a little more parsley.  

Bring to the boil and turn down to a simmer until the meatballs are cooked through.

Meanwhile make the pasta according to the package directions. 

When the meatballs are cooked add a dash of cream if desired.

Drain the pasta, place in a large bowl and pour the meatballs and sauce over the top.  Toss together. Sprinkle with more chopped parsley, freshly ground black pepper and Parmesan cheese.

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