Lavender and Honey Madeleines

8:35 AM

There's something so enchanting about madeleines. Small desserts always get my approval as one can indulge without guilt, a lovely little morsel with a cup of tea or coffee is like a mini vacation in the midst of a busy day.  One can get creative with the flavorings  but lavender and honey is my personal favorite, we have lavender blooming in the garden at the moment and I never tire of it.

The bees seem to love it too.

Lavenderand Honey Madeleines

6tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature
1cup all purpose flour
1teaspoon baking powder
3large eggs
¾cup sugar
2tablespoons honey

1 teaspoon of culinary lavender
1teaspoon vanilla extract
1tablespoon confectioner’s sugar (optional)

Heatthe oven to 350 F

Prepare one or more Madeleine molds.  Using apastry brush, coat the Madeleine molds with 1 tablespoon melted butter. Dust with alittle flour, titling the molds to coat evenly. 

Ina bowl combine flour, culinary lavender and baking powder, set aside.

Inthe bowl of an electric mixer beat together, the honey, eggs, sugar and vanillauntil pale yellow.  Add the butter, onetablespoon at a time. Gently combine.

Pourin the flour and baking powder, beat gently until combined.

Spoonthe batter into the Madeleine molds and bake for 10-12 minutes or until justgolden.

Allowto cool for 5 minutes in the pan then remove and cool thoroughly on a bakingrack.

Whencold sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar if desired.

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