Rich Delectable Fudgy Chocolate Brownies.

8:35 AM

I think the title just about sums it up.  Except perhaps I should add gooey.  If you're watching your waistline, read no further.  These are a treat.  I admit that I'm a fudgy brownie fan, not a cakey brownie fan and hand on heart, after careful sampling, I can tell you these are the best brownies I've EVER made.  And that's a lot of brownies.  The added bonus to these delicious morsels is that they take 5, no, 4 minutes to prepare, it's a question of melting and mixing and that's it.  For a completely over the top full sugar blast experience, add a scoop of ice cream (whatever your favorite flavor may be) and a squirt of chocolate sauce.  Ohhhh.

You could add a handful of walnuts and if you're feeling adventurous a handful of dried cherries to the batter.  My lot like their brownies made of pure chocolate, no additions necessary!

Rich, Delectable, Fudgy, Chocolate Brownies.

8 oz best quality chocolate

8 oz unsalted butter

4 eggs

2 1/4 cups of white sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 cup of all purpose flour

pinch of salt

1/4 cup walnuts (optional)

1/4 cup of dried cherries (optional)

Heat the oven to 350F

Butter and flour an 8 inch square cake pan.

Melt the butter and chocolate together.  I use the microwave in bursts of 30 seconds.  Put aside to cool.

In a large bowl, beat the sugar and the eggs together until very well combined.

Stir in the chocolate mixture and the vanilla extract.

Sift in the flour and add the salt. Fold into the mixture.

If you are using the walnuts and the cherries, toss them in a tablespoon of flour and fold into the mixture.

Pour into the pan and bake for 30-35 minutes, until set on the top but still a little giggly on the bottom. Start checking at 30 minutes.

Allow to cool thoroughly in the pan before cutting and serving.

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