Roast Chicken Thighs with Sausage Potatoes and Garlic.

8:35 AM

I adore helpful meals.  This is one of them.  There's barely any preparation, just fling a few chicken thighs and potatoes (don't bother peeling them) into a pan, chop up an onion, scatter a few garlic cloves here and there and toss in a few sausages, a couple of gulgs of olive oil and a handful of fresh herbs.  Hey Presto, you have a dinner that tastes divine and everyone will be happy with something in the pan.

Roast Chicken Thighs with Sausage, Potatoes and Garlic.

Recipe adapted from Nigella Lawson.

6-8 chicken thighs, bone in, skin on.

A good handful of new potatoes with the skins on.

1 onion, quartered

6 sausages (I used chicken but pork would be delicious)

Olive oil

Salt and pepper

4-6 garlic cloves (in their skins)

A handful of fresh parsley

Heat the oven to 425 F

Place the chicken thighs, potatoes, sausages, onion and garlic in a shallow baking tray.

Pour over the olive oil, sprinkle over the salt and pepper and chopped parsley.

Place in the oven and roast for about 50 minutes.  Baste a couple of times and spoon off any excess juice so everything crisps up nicely.

Remove from the oven, sprinkle with extra chopped parsley and dig in.

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