Smoked Salmon Feta Cheese and Herb Omelette.

8:35 AM

Eggs are wonderful things! they fill you up, they're packed with protein and they're inexpensive.  And you can do all sorts of exciting things with them, such as make them into an omelette stuffed with smoked salmon, feta cheese and fresh herbs.  YUM. As with most things I cook, this takes about 5 minutes, is very easy to whip up and tastes wonderful . WOW. I can promise you the following is a super duper breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Smoked Salmon, Feta Cheese and Herb Omelette.

4 large, cage free eggs

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

2 tablespoons unsalted butter

3 slices of smoked salmon

2-3 oz feta cheese

A handful of fresh herbs, such as parsley, thyme, oregano or cilantro

In a large bowl, whisk the eggs, salt, pepper and fresh herbs.

In a NON STICK pan, heat the butter until foaming.  Pour the eggs into the pan, allow to cook for a few minutes until the edges are just firming up. Shake the pan a little so the omelette doesn't stick.

Lay the smoked salmon and feta cheese down the middle of the omelette, fold the sides over and allow to cook for another few minutes.  Gently turn the omelette over with the help of a spatula and cook for a further minute or two.

Ease the omelette out of the pan onto a plate and enjoy.

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