Spinach Goat Cheese and Tomato Quiche - from the pantry

8:35 AM

I'm feeling rebellious. I've been meaning to make a quiche for a few days but have no intention of following a recipe or making a trip to the grocery store before I start cooking.  Surely I should be able to fill a tart shell with what I have in the house and to make it sublime.  I need my taste buds to sing with pantry staples. Isn't that the way it ought to be? I think great cooking is all about being creative, inventive and using what you have and not being tied to a certain method or recipe. I don't want to be told what flavors work together, I want to look in my fridge and pantry and put them together my way and you should put them together your way - because from all the blogs I read I bet they'll be fantastic - here's my way!

Spinach, Goat's Cheese and Tomato Quiche.

For the pastry;

2 1/2 cups of all purpose flour

1 cup of white wholewheat flour

Pinch of salt

8 oz of butter, cut into cubes

1 egg yolk

Up to 1 cup of cold water

A couple of sprigs of fresh thyme


use a ready made packaged pie crust

For the filling;

8 eggs
1 1/3 cups heavy cream
1/3 cup goats cheese crumbles
1 - 2 tablespoons fresh thyme
2 cups of baby spinach, roughly chopped
3-4 tomatoes, depending on size, cut into discs
1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Heat the oven to 425F

To make the pastry, combine the flour, salt and thyme in the bowl of a food processor.  Pulse a few times until combined.

Add the cubes of butter and pulse until you have the texture of coarse breadcrumbs.

Beat together the egg yolk and the water and add gradually while the processor is running until the dough just comes together, go slowly, you may not need all the liquid.

Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and bring together with a light knead.

Wrap in plastic wrap and place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.  I have left it overnight and it works fine the next day.

Roll out the pastry and line a 13 inch pie dish.  Spray a piece of aluminum foil with baking spray and place on top of the pastry (greased surface down) pour baking beans onto the foil, place in the oven and bake for 15 minutes.

Remove from the oven, carefully remove the baking beans and foil.

Turn the oven down to 350F

To make the filling whisk together the eggs, cream, salt, pepper and fresh thyme.  Add the goats cheese and spinach and stir gently.  

Slice the tomatoes into discs and place in the bottom of the tart shell.  Carefully pour the egg mixture over the top.  Sprinkle a tablespoon of Parmesan cheese and a grinding of black pepper over the top.

Place the tart dish on a baking tray and put into the oven for 1 hour.  When ready the quiche will be beautifully golden and risen.

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