A Favorite Lunch Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Salmon and Fresh Parsley.

8:35 AM

This could of course, just as easily be my favorite supper. Packed with flavor and protein it fills you up, satisfies your taste buds and for some absurd reason makes me feel sophisticated when eating it. I don't know why, after all my ten old loves this and the Jack Russell Terrier begs for the scraps. I've always adored smoked salmon and with plenty of parsley from the garden and freshly ground black pepper, you just can't go wrong. Plus, you have the added bonus that it takes five minutes to make. Serve with a piece of wholewheat toast and a glass of chilled Perrier with a slice of lime. Heaven.

To serve 1;

3 large eggs, whisked

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

A good grinding of fresh black pepperA touch of sea salt

A couple of sprigs of fresh parsley

A slice or two of smoked salmon, torn into sheds

Heat the butter in a NON STICK frying pan. Chop the parsley very finely. Whisk the eggs, salt and pepper together.

When the butter has melted add the eggs to the pan. Leave for a minute, then take off the heat and stir a little. Place back on the heat and add the salmon and parsley, cook for another minute, then take off and stir again. The eggs should be cooked but not dry.

Toast a piece of wholewheat bread and cut into triangles. Garnish with a small sprig of parsley and serve.

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