Welcome Home Chocolate Cake!

8:35 AM

My husband had been away for a week so to welcome him home I thought a chocolate cake was in order - the girls agreed.  Half of it was eaten by the time he walked through the door but after all it's the thought that counts.  I adapted a recipe by the Pioneer Woman.  I must say I now realize that in my old age I've become a bit of a baking purist.  It is so ingrained in me to cream the butter and the sugar, not over mix the flour etc, etc, I had to force myself to follow her recipe of melting the butter and adding boiling water and beating everything up together.  It had a different taste but it was a hit - I can tell you this because it didn't last more than 24 hours.  It looked like an enormous whoopie pie - what could be more welcoming than that?

Chocolate Cream Cake,  adapted from Ree Rummond, The Pioneer Woman.

Ree's cake is actually a coffee cream cake, that's the first thing I changed, unadulterated chocolate was needed here.  I've fiddled around quite a bit with the ingredients but the method is purely Ree's.

For the cake. 

8 oz butter (2 sticks)

3 tablespoons of cocoa powder

1 cup boiling water

2 cups all purpose flour

1 3/4 cups light brown sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup buttermilk

2 large eggs

1 teaspoon baking soda

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

For the filling.

4 oz cream cheese

3/4 cup powdered sugar

1/2 -3/4 cup of heavy cream

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Chocolate Glaze

4 oz chocolate chips

1/2 cup heavy cream

1 teaspoon of corn syrup

Heat the oven to 350F

Melt the butter in a pan, add the cocoa powder and mix thoroughly.

Add the boiling water.  Let it simmer for a minute and then remove from heat.

Place the flour, sugar and salt in to a large bowl.  Add the butter mixture and combine.

Measure the buttermilk, eggs and vanilla into a measuring cup and add to the other bowl.  Mix thoroughly.

Pour into a 2, 8 inch greased and floured cake pans.

Place into the oven and bake for approx 18-20 minutes.

While the cake is baking, make the


Place the cream cheese, sugar, cream and vanilla extract into the bowl of an electric mixer.  Beat until creamy and fluffy.  Place in the fridge until ready to use.

To make the


Melt the chocolate, cream and syrup together in a small pan on low/medium heat.  Stir thoroughly until the chocolate is melted and you have a smooth glaze.  Remove from heat. 

When the cakes are cooked and thoroughly cooled, fill with the creamy filling and pour the glaze on top. 

Don't even try to restrain yourself, just brew a pot of tea and enjoy a piece.

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