Chicken Milanese - Finger Licking Good!

8:35 AM

This perhaps is the supper that will please ALMOST everyone.  I've absolutely given up trying to please EVERYONE. I've come to believe it's simply not an option.  But this gets close.  The chicken is crunchy on the outside from a quick saute and totally delicious with the minced herbs, lemon zest and red pepper flakes combined in its crust.  Inside its juicy - yum.  

Little ones will think they're eating a monster chicken nugget and so should be justifiably happy. Tell the big ones how healthy the wholegrain panko crumbs are not to mention the herbs and after all they're not deep fried are they - they're sauteed!! it makes ALL the difference - it's very healthy. Then there's the salad. Scrumptious! fennel, romaine, cucumber, tomatoes, herbs - any will do - a sprinkle of feta cheese all tossed in a lovely lemony vinaigrette. I like the salad piled on top of the chicken then doused in the vinaigrette so everything becomes deliciously warm, crunchy and lemony.  Finger licking good.

Chicken Milanese.

For the chicken.

Olive oil

2 tablespoons unsalted butter

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts

3/4 cup wholegrain panko crumbs (or dried breadcrumbs)

1/4 cup Parmesan cheese

1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes

1 tablespoon minced fresh herbs (oregano, parsley, thyme are all great options)

Zest of a lemon

Pinch of sea salt

Freshly ground black pepper

1 egg - beaten

For the salad

1 head romaine lettuce, cut into ribbons

1 small fennel, diced

1/2 English cucumber, seeded and diced

2-3 tomatoes, diced

Fresh herbs - as above

Red onion - very finely chopped - as much or little as you desire

For the vinaigrette. 

1 teaspoon of minced shallots

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

Juice and zest of a lemon

1 tablespoon red wine vinegar

4-6 tablespoon olive oil

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Prepare your salad ingredients and set aside.

To prepare the vinaigrette place all the ingredients into a bowl and whisk together until emulsified. Set aside.

Place the chicken breasts between two large pieces of parchment paper and pound the living daylights out of them with a rolling pin.  It still surprises me how much enjoyment I get out of this step - worrying.

On a large plate mix together the panko crumbs, Parmesan, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, herbs and lemon zest.

On another plate crack the egg and lightly beat it. If your chicken breasts are very large you may need another egg.

Dredge the chicken through the egg then place in the breadcrumb mixture and press the dry ingredients on it.

Heat a few tablespoons of olive oil and the butter on a medium high heat until foaming ferociously.  Lay the chicken into the pan and saute for about 3 minutes per side.  The chicken won't take too long to cook as it as been pounded until it is pretty thin. It should look something like this;

or this;

You  may have to cook the chicken in batches, don't over crowd the pan, you want them to crisp - not steam and become soggy.

Remove the chicken to a serving plate.

Pile the salad over the top and drench in the vinaigrette.  Serve immediately.

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