Pesto Pasta from the Garden and a Trip to Union Square Farmers Market in New York City.

8:35 AM

Herbs are such a lovely gift from the garden.  We're lucky enough to have an abundant supply of basil this year and I use it in so many dishes.  The favorite seems to be pesto used in a pasta dish, simple and delicious.

I'd forgotten how quick pesto is to make, I can't decide whether I like it better on chicken, fish or pasta. 

My family is quite clear - pasta is the way to go.

But before we get to the pesto recipe I have to share my wonderful morning with you at the legendary Union Square Farmer's Market.  I'm currently acting as a chauffeuring service to my youngest daughter, (well actually I'm always acting as a chauffeuring service to all my children but this is a longer route than usual) driving her into NYC each morning for her dance camp. While she was twirling and whirling I found myself, quite by accident at this amazing farmer's market.  I'm used to farmer's markets but nothing quite prepared me for the shear scale of this one.  I mean just LOOK at these root vegetables!!

and these amazing peaches...

you can't forget the sunflowers ...

there was absolutely EVERYTHING .....

I have to confess I was  overwhelmed - and extremely hungry as I hadn't had breakfast before we left.  My total purchase at this extravaganza totaled one perfect juicy peach, a slice of the most delectable cheese and a heavenly foamy latte with an extra shot.  I sat in the park and devoured my picnic.  What a perfect breakfast.  The market is a regular feature on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I'll be ready on Friday!

Back to the pesto.... here's the recipe...

Pesto from the Garden.

2 cups fresh basil

2 cloves garlic

1/4 cup pine nuts

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

1/2 cup Parmesan cheese

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

Your very favorite pasta - perfectly cooked.

Place the basil, garlic, pine nuts, salt, pepper and cheese in a food processor and blitz until really well combined.

Measure out the oil in a measuring jug and with the motor running on the processor pour the oil in a thin stream into the basil mixture until combined.

Pour over the perfectly cooked pasta - that's it - really!!

Click here to Lavender and Lovage herb recipes.

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