Confetti Rice Salad

8:35 AM

This pretty rice salad, named for its resemblance to confetti, is loaded with vegetables, tremendously good for you not to mention delicious.  As with the quinoa salad I posted a few days ago, almost any veggie combination is good with this, just lots of them with a toasted nut thrown in for good measure.  You could certainly add some roasted chickpeas too, just toss a can of chickpeas on a baking tray, sprinkle over a little salt, pepper and cumin and roast in the oven (shaking the pan every so often) for about 30 minutes until crunchy. You really can't go wrong with this.

Confetti Rice Salad

2cups of cooked white basmati rice
2-3tablespoons olive oil
1onion, peeled and finely chopped
2cloves garlic, minced
Saltand pepper
1bunch of baby kale, or a bunch of regular kale very finely chopped
1-2fresh tomatoes, diced
½English cucumber, diced
¼cup slivered almonds (toasted)

For the dressing.

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
6 tablespoons olive oil
Sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper

Heatthe olive oil in a saut

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