Imam Bayildi

11:53 PM

Imam Bayildi is one of those dish that is not only simple and easy to make, but also very versatile. It can be serve hot, or cold, serve as appetizer or entree. I personally like to serve it  as  vegetarian entree accompany with plain rice, rice pilaf, or plain couscous. If you like, you can squeeze in some lemon juice, then garnish it with fresh dill. Hope you like it!

Imam Bayildi, Baby Italian Eggplant Stuffed With Simple Tomato Sauce

serve 3

6 (about 1½ pounds) baby Italian eggplants

1 small onion, diced

2 cloves garlic, minced

6 Roma tomatoes, chopped

1/4 chopped Italian parsley

1/4 cup water or chicken broth

4 tbs olive oil

salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Heat 2 tbs olive oil in a medium pot, add diced onion, saute until soft, add garlic, stir and cook for a few seconds. Add chopped tomatoes, and water or chicken broth, stir, cook for 10 minutes until tomatoes are soft. Stir in chopped parsley, season with salt and pepper. Remove from the heat. 

Meanwhile, cut the ends of baby eggplants, fry with remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil until they are lightly soft  on all side. Transfer to a baking casserole. 

Slit each eggplant lengthwise to create pockets, spoon tomato sauce into  each pocket. Fill in as much as you can, so you will used up all of it. Cover casserole with aluminum foil, then bake for 20 minutes.  

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