Smitten Kitchen Creamy Pasta Alfredo

8:35 AM

Ever since I bought the wonderful Smitten Kitchen Cookbook (and I had it on pre-order) I've been meaning to make this.  It's Lent at the moment and that means, according to my children, no meat on Fridays.  I keep forgetting and serving up something like brisket much to their fury. They wrote on the calendar and left notes on my desk to remind me so there was no excuse. The penny finally dropped that Friday was the perfect time for Pasta Alfredo - every Friday.

Pasta Alfredo, adapted from The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook.

1 packet of pasta shells

Fresh parsley

1 cup of heavy cream

Zest of a lemon

pinch of nutmeg

4 oz unsalted butter

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 cup frozen peas

1 cup Parmesan cheese

Bring a large pot of water to the boil.  Cook the pasta according to the packet directions.

While the pasta is cooking heat the cream in a pan, bring to a simmer and allow to cook for a few minutes.  Add the butter and lemon zest and stir until melted.  Add 3/4 cup of the cheese and stir until you have a smooth sauce.  Add the nutmeg and some finely chopped parsley.

Drain the pasta, add to the sauce, pour in the frozen peas which will cook in the heat and combine well..  Add the rest of the cheese, another handful of chopped parsley, a sprinkle of salt and a good grinding of black pepper.

Eat immediately and pass some extra Parmesan for good measure.

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