Sambal Ayam and Sambal Mangga. Indonesian Chili Chicken Serve With Spicy Mango Relish

11:53 PM

Very tasty Indonesian chili chicken. Red jalapeno is perfect for this dish, because you get the right amount of spiciness without burning your tongue, it also gives vibrant  color that will make it even more appetizing. If you are still unsure about the level of spiciness of this red jalapeno, or afraid that it might be still a bit too spicy for your family, especially for your young one,  you can always deseeded the red jalapeno, and reduce the amount needed according to your taste, and perhaps add one or two Roma tomatoes instead. 

Sambal Ayam (Chili Chicken)

Serve 6

3 whole chicken legs

3 whole chicken breasts

4 red jalapeno, roughly chopped

1/4 cup chopped shallots

1 tbs chopped garlic

1 tsp toasted shrimp paste (Belacan)

1 tbs fish sauce

2 tbs gula merah (palm sugar), or brown sugar if unavailable

sea salt, as needed

Arrange chicken pieces in a large braising pot. Set aside.

Put chopped red jalapeno, shallots, garlic, and shrimp paste in a food processor or a blender. process to make smooth paste. Add water if necessary to keep the blade running. Pour directly on top of chicken, add about 1 cup of water, fish sauce, and gula merah. Stir to mix. Transfer the pot to the stove. Cook the chicken over medium high heat until it starts to boil, then turn the heat to low. Simmer until the chicken is cooked thoroughly, about 35 to 45 minutes depending the size and type of chicken you are using. Transfer chili chicken onto serving bowl. Serve with plain jasmine rice, simple saute vegetable, and a little bit of mango sambal on the side.

Spicy Mango Relish (Sambal Mangga)

2 cups shredded raw green mango (about 1 medium size)

4 - 5 red jalapeno

2 tsp toasted shrimp paste (Belacan)

2 tsp fish sauce

sea salt, as needed

Add red jalapenno, toasted shrimp paste, salt to a food processor. Process to make a smooth paste. Alternately, pound ingredients together to make smooth paste. Pour this chili sauce on top of  shredded mango, add fish sauce, and pinch of salt. Mix well, taste and adjust seasoning as needed.  Transfer to a serving bowl. 

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