Strawberry and Vanilla Ice Pops

8:35 AM

Ice pops seem to be a sensible and flavorful way to deal with the heat. I do adore the summer but wow it's HOT!  I attempted to make these as healthy as possible with lots of fresh strawberries and Greek vanilla yogurt to provide a nice sustaining icy treat. I had no idea what fun ice pops were to make and of course you could use any variety of berry. Great summer fun and guaranteed to cool you off a little.

Strawberry, Vanilla Ice Pops


1 pint strawberries, hulled (frozen or fresh)

1 tablespoon sugar

1/3 cup heavy cream (optional)

1, 6 oz container of Greek vanilla yogurt (non fat or full fat)

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 tablespoon sugar

In a blender combine the strawberries, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 tablespoon of sugar and the cream if using.

Blitz until smooth.  If you're not using cream you may have to add a small amount of water for the strawberries to completely blend. If the seeds from the berries bother you and you have the time and patience, sieve the mixture into another bowl and set aside

In a bowl combine the vanilla yogurt, 1 teaspoons of vanilla extract for a little extra yumminess and the sugar.  Combine well.

Layer the ice pop molds alternately with the strawberry and yogurt.

Place in the freezer for at least a couple of hours to set up or preferably overnight.

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