Mango Strawberry Banana Smoothie

8:35 AM

Do try this for breakfast, or for a pick-me-up during the day when the energy levels start to flag.  If you're making it for children there's a host of goodies you can slip in and they won't have the slightest idea. In principal I'm not a believer in hiding "good" foods in children's meals, however when it comes to smoothies I just can't resist.  They're the perfect foil for psyllium husks (great fiber) flaxseed or cod liver oil and if you're feeling really brave a "greens" powder.  How about you - are you above slipping the odd goody into your little ones drink?

Smoothies are a bit like soup, all you really need is a blueprint. I happened to have some fresh mango in the fridge and some frozen strawberries and bananas but you could just as easily use any other berry or fruit.  I do find however, that a frozen banana adds "stability" to a smoothie, it's always a good idea to have a bunch peeled and sitting in the freezer.

Mango, Strawberry, Banana Smoothie.

1 cup of fresh mango

1 frozen banana

1 cup frozen strawberries

1 scoop of whey OR protein OR greens powder

8 oz of almond milk (you could also use regular, coconut or soy milk, or orange juice)

6 oz carton of vanilla yogurt

AND - optional favorites;

1 scoop of protein powder OR greens powder

1 hearty gulg of flaxseed oil OR cod liver oil

1 sprinkle of psyllium husks

1 sprinkle of chai seeds

Place all the ingredients in the blender and blitz until perfectly smooth.  Pour into a tall glass and enjoy.

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