Avocado Toast with Harissa Paste for Breakfast Lunch or Supper - or anytime!

8:35 AM

I was in Barnes and Noble yesterday picking up books for the girls latest school project when I found I had quite naturally gravitated to the cookbook section.  My two addictions in life are cookbooks and coffee.  I simply can't manage without either. I tried once and became extremely grumpy. Anyway, I found a recipe in Daphne Oz's new book "Relish" (which is lovely) for toast with avocado and harissa paste.  As you might recall I ADORE harissa, a very spicy spice but I've never found it in a paste.  I shot off to the supermarket and scoured the shelves and there, to my delight, was harissa PASTE.  It looks like this:

I couldn't quite remember what the recipe called for exactly (I haven't actually bought the book yet but I expect I will succumb very soon) but thought I couldn't go too far wrong as there were only about 4 ingredients.  I LOVED it and could happily eat it for breakfast, lunch and supper - and anytime in between. If for some reason spice is not your thing - this isn't for you.  If you like a little spice go and track down some harissa paste and make toast!

Avocado Toast with Harissa Paste.

2 slices of seriously healthy bread such as Ezekiel Sprouted Grain, toasted

1 avocado

Lime juice

Harissa paste

Olive oil

Red pepper flakes

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Toast the bread.

While the bread is toasting, mash the avocado, sprinkle over some lime juice, salt and pepper.

When the toast is ready spread with a little (or as much as you dare) harissa paste.

Top with the mashed avocado.

Sprinkle with more salt, pepper and red pepper flakes and pour over a drizzle of olive oil.

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