Fourth of July Ice Cream Sundae

8:35 AM

A hot fudge sundae is surely a fitting ending to aJuly 4th celebration.  Pourover your favorite ice cream, top with whipped cream and I promise you’ll be insuch rapture that you’ll hardly notice the fireworks.

I must confess this recipe originated in England from my mother.  I do realize it's Independence Day but there are some British traditions - such as this chocolate sauce - that you would be wise to hold on to!

Happy July 4th

DelectableHot Fudge Ice Cream Sundae

The fudge sauce can be made a couple of daysahead of time.  Cover and keep in therefrigerator.  Reheat very slowly andmake sure it doesn’t boil.

2 oz unsalted butter
4 tablespoons corn syrup
½ cup of best quality chocolate
¼ cup Hershey’s cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ cup heavy cream

Place all the ingredients except the cream in apan and heat on LOW, stirring constantly until you have a smooth sauce.  DO NOT LET IT BOIL.

The sauce will be thick, remove from heat,gradually add the cream, a little at a time until you have the consistency thatwill coat the back of the spoon.  You maynot need all the cream or you may need a splash more.

Set aside.

Scoop out a generous serving of ice cream, pourover the fudge sauce, top with whipped cream, nuts, sprinkles and cherries ifdesired.

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